Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul
Unlock Timeless Wisdom for Modern Challenges.
Infuse your creative endeavours with the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita to unlock your limitless potential and open up to a more meaningful, peaceful, and fulfilling creative journey.
Welcome to 'Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul,' where writer and seeker Saurin Desai explores his personal thoughts and challenges on work, life, and creativity while sharing practical teachings from the Gita that empower him to wield creativity with grace, understanding, and empathy.
This podcast is for each of us longing to infuse creativity in our daily lives. Through relatable storytelling, each episode explores topics such as impostor syndrome, managing feedback, overcoming blocks, and staying focused.
Thank you for your time and attention; it is the greatest gift we can receive from you.
We welcome you to join us in building a community of creative souls on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Reach out to us at gitacreativesoul@gmail.com or
find us on:
LinkedIn (Page): https://www.linkedin.com/company/gita-creative-soul
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gitacreativesoul/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gitacreativsoul
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5OKBo2kMHQ4m2gUKr0RRPg
And don't miss an episode - subscribe to the podcast today!
Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul
Produced by The Voice Bank
Concept & Writing: Saurin Desai
Executive Producer: Rashmi Sundaram
Director: Sundar Sethuraman
Voice Artists: Sheetal Sawhney & Saurin Desai
Special Advisor: Kushagra Singh (Writer, Spiritual Speaker & Yoga Teacher)
Sound Designer: Sushant Sonawale
Music Composition: Sushant Sonawale & Dhirendra
Recordist: Agnel & Sushant Sonawale
Recorded at Crescendo Studio, Mumbai
Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul
Ep 17 Finding Sources of Creativity
In Episode 17, Saurin embarks on a quest to uncover how and where to find creative inspiration. Inspired by Chapter 7, Verse 8 of the Gita, he delves into the omnipresence of creative energy in the Universe and harnesses this cosmic creativity through mindfulness, curiosity, non-learning, and meaningful interactions. Consequently, every moment transforms into an opportunity for creative inspiration.
We welcome you to join us in building a community of creative souls on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Reach out to us at gitacreativesoul@gmail.com or find us on:
And don't miss an episode - subscribe to the podcast today!
Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul
- Produced by The Voice Bank
- Concept & Writing: Saurin Desai
- Executive Producer: Rashmi Sundaram
- Director: Sundar Sethuraman
- Voice Artists: Sheetal Sawhney & Saurin Desai
- Special Advisor: Kushagra Singh (Writer, Spiritual Speaker & Yoga Teacher)
- Sound Designer: Sushant Sonawale
- Music Composition: Sushant Sonawale & Ameen
- Recordist: Agnel & Sushant Sonawale
- Recorded at Crescendo Studio, Mumbai
00:00:00 Sundar
The voice bank presence Bhagavad Gita for the creative soul conceived and written by Saurin Desai, narrated by Sheetal Sawhney and Saurin Desai. This interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita is not scholarly or literal, but personal and creative with no intent to hurt the sentiments of any individual, community or religion.
00:00:26 Sheetal
It is said that the Bhagavad Gita has answers for all and all the answers join writer and seeker Saurin Desai as each week he grapples with thoughts and challenges related to life, work and creativity. Then explore the timeless wisdom of the Gita.
00:00:47 Sheetal
To discover how to harness creativity with grace, understanding, empathy and timelessness.
00:00:59 Sheetal
Welcome to Bhagavad Gita for the creative soul.
00:01:02 Sheetal
This is episode 17, finding sources of creativity, and Saurin is on a quest to discover how and where to find creative inspiration.
00:01:20 Saurin
There are times when I experience a lack of creativity and feel completely Devoid of ideas.
00:01:26 Saurin
This can occur when I'm writing a story, crafting content, or even while working on this podcast.
00:01:34 Saurin
It's as though a river has been dammed, causing the flow to come to a complete halt.
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I had explored this in episode 6
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Overcoming creative blocks where I said that creative block is not an absence of creativity.
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In the same way as an empty bucket does not mean the lack of water, just that I must find a tap and open it.
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Now some of these taps are nature books and music.
00:02:02 Saurin
But they are not the only ones.
00:02:04 Saurin
We're surrounded by them.
00:02:06 Saurin
How do I know? Because the following Shlok says so.
00:02:18 Sheetal
Raso hum. Apsu Kante, prabhas me Shashi Surya ho.
00:02:26 Sheetal
Pranav Sarvey, Deshu shab daka.
00:02:30 Sheetal
Horsham, nushu.
00:02:32 Sheetal
Chapter 7, verse 8.
00:02:37 Sheetal
I am the essence of water.
00:02:40 Sheetal
O Arjun, I am the radiance of the moon and the sun.
00:02:45 Sheetal
I am Pranav in all the Vedas.
00:02:48 Sheetal
I am the sound in the ether and the ability in humans.
00:02:54 Sheetal
The Pranav, also known as Om is considered the fundamental sound from which the entire universe emerged. The Atharva Shikha Upanishad beautifully explains its significance, stating that which causes all life forces to bow down and unite with the supreme soul to become one with it.
00:03:18 Sheetal
Is called the Pranav.
00:03:22 Saurin
This shlokh and the one following it emphasizes the omnipresence of the divine essence within all things and since all energy originates from the universe, creative energy is for me a manifestation of the universe. It is in everything, everywhere, all at once.
00:03:41 Saurin
Even if I'm seated within a brick and glass cubicle with a group of people.
00:03:46 Saurin
Without plants, books or music, I can still harness creativity and be brimming with ideas.
00:03:53 Saurin
All I need to do is approach life with an open and curious mind and turn to one of the taps.
00:04:00 Saurin
Here are some.
00:04:02 Saurin
Mindfulness - I've been slowly cultivating the habit of being present in the moment, a loving my senses to engage with the surroundings. A cup of coffee can be gulped down, or it can be relished, even if for a few sips, a piece of music can be background sound, or I can tune into and.
00:04:22 Saurin
enjoy it for a few moments.
00:04:24 Saurin
Paying closer attention to the world around leads me to thoughts that might not have occurred otherwise. It enables me to connect the dots between unrelated ideas, concepts, and experiences.
00:04:38 Saurin
As an instance, I noticed a stranger with an interesting way of expressing.
00:04:43 Saurin
This became a spark that lit up a short story idea I had, in my mind. Curiosity sometime back. My nephew, who's now 8, came to me. Kaka, you want to see magic? He held up a spoon, showed my reflection.
00:05:00 Saurin
Now, I'll turn you upside down. He turned the spoon so that the concave side faced me, and there I was, upside down. What got my attention beside his intense delight was that spoons no longer sparked my curiosity. They are an everyday object, so not interesting. But for my nephew.
00:05:20 Saurin
And children of all ages, there's a whole universe out there filled with.
00:05:24 Saurin
On that day, I decided to engage with the world with a more childlike perspective.
00:05:31 Saurin
As Albert Einstein famously said, I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. Non learning. Don't get me wrong.
00:05:41 Saurin
I'm enrolled in Lifetime kindergarten and by learning for the sake of it is awesome. Just having ideas and doing nothing about them is like being on a stationary bicycle. I can pedal all I want, but I'm getting nowhere.
00:05:55 Saurin
Creativity is ideas in action.
00:05:57 Saurin
It's about applying them in ways that have never been attempted before, at least by me, and I've found creativity to usually be iterative. I rarely have Eureka moments. Mostly it consists of trying things out, evaluating the results, and then going back to the drawing board. And where do I apply and evaluate?
00:06:17 Saurin
My surroundings with the people and things around me.
00:06:21 Saurin
Conversations and collaborations, engaging in meaningful dialogues with others is a fount of information, ideas and insights. For me, it does not matter who the person and what their background.
00:06:34 Saurin
As an introvert, this interaction is challenging. But each time I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone, it has added value to my life.
00:06:43 Saurin
My only hope, intent and goal is to ensure that I'm contributing more to their lives than I am receiving from them.
00:06:52 Saurin
All I need to do is look around with every sense and I find that every person, object and event is filled with creative potential just waiting to be tapped. This is not just boundless. Each time I approach it with a fresh perspective, I uncover something more, something new. Every moment is an opportunity to find my creative inspiration.
00:07:14 Saurin
Unleash my creative spirit and to help others do the same.
00:07:18 Saurin
Thank you for your time and attention. The greatest gift you can give me. I am Saurin Desai. And each week I delve into the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Together, let's create a community of Creative Souls on this journey of self-discovery and growth. If you have any thoughts.
00:07:38 Saurin
Questions or feedback reach me at Gita. Creative soul@gmail.com. And from this moment onward I'm on a quest to discover and tap into the sources of creativity around me.
00:08:00 Sundar
You are listening to Bhagavad Gita for the creative soul.
00:08:03 Sundar
Produced by The Voice bank, conceptualized and written by Saurin Desai.
00:08:08 Saurin
Voiced by Sheetal Sawhney and Saurin Desai. Directed by Sundar Sethuraman. Executive producer Rashmi Sundaram.
00:08:17 Sundar
Special advisor Kushagra Singh, music by Sushant and Dhirendra.
00:08:24 Sundar
Recorded by Tejas Jadhav and Agnel George, sound designing and mixing by Sushant Sonwale recorded at Crescendo Studios Mumbai.
00:08:34 Sundar
Text copyright Saurin Desai.
00:08:36 Sundar
Sound recording copyright the voice bank.