Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul

Ep 12 - Cultivating a Purposeful Life

The Voice Bank Season 1 Episode 12

Join us in Episode 12 as Saurin figures out how to lead a meaningful and fulfilling existence amidst the unpredictability that life brings. He shares his profound insights from Chapter 2, Verse 41, highlighting the critical role of a focused intellect for those with unwavering determination. Discover how he is mastering scattered thoughts, sustaining inspiration, and crafting meaningful content.

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Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul

  • Produced by The Voice Bank
  • Concept & Writing: Saurin Desai
  • Executive Producer: Rashmi Sundaram
  • Director: Sundar Sethuraman
  • Voice Artists: Sheetal Sawhney & Saurin Desai
  • Special Advisor: Kushagra Singh (Writer, Spiritual Speaker & Yoga Teacher)
  • Sound Designer: Sushant Sonawale
  • Music Composition: Sushant Sonawale & Ameen
  • Recordist: Agnel & Sushant Sonawale
  • Recorded at Crescendo Studio, Mumbai

00:00:00 Sundar

The Voice Bank presents Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul. Conceived and written by Saurin Desai, narrated by Sheetal Sawhney and Saurin Desai. 

This interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita is not scholarly or literal, but personal and creative, with no intent to hurt the sentiments of any individual, community, or religion?

00:00:26 Sheetal

It is said that the Bhagavad Gita has answers for all and all the answers. Join writer and seeker Saurin Desai, as each week he grapples with thoughts and challenges related to life, work, and creativity, then explores the timeless wisdom of the Gita to discover how to harness creativity with grace, understanding, empathy and timelessness.

00:00:59 Sheetal

Welcome to Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul. In this twelfth episode, titled "Cultivating a Purposeful Life," Saurin is figuring out how to lead a meaningful and fulfilling existence amidst the unpredictability that life brings.

00:01:20 Saurin

In episode 4, I spoke about dedicating my creative work to a higher purpose so that I would stay inspired and determined.

00:01:29 Saurin

Why? To paraphrase the well-known proverb, if I don't stand for something, I'll fall for everything.

00:01:36 Saurin

In his book, Mind Your mind writer and Monk Venugopal Acharya likens worry to a bird that soars above the rooftop of our mind.

00:01:47 Saurin

Just as we cannot prevent a bird from flying across our rooftops, we cannot eliminate worries from our thoughts.

00:01:53 Saurin

However, we can stop it from nesting in our mind.

00:01:57 Saurin

And the most effective way to achieve this is through the power of a higher purpose.

00:02:02 Saurin

This alone can protect our mind from getting overwhelmed by everyday challenges.

00:02:08 Saurin

One of my major life goals since many years has been to create content that's useful, inspiring, and meaningful.

00:02:16 Saurin

This goal ticks all the purposes I resonate with.

00:02:20 Saurin

  • expressing myself creatively
  • finding inner peace and happiness
  • creating a positive impact on the world
  • pursuing personal growth 
  • exploring spirituality & philosophy

00:02:33 Saurin

However, every time I begin such a project, I consistently got caught up in tasks that occupied me but didn't help me with furthering my goals. Amidst this struggle, life would intervene. I would start worrying about it all and the content flow would sputter, then choke, and finally collapse.

00:02:52 Saurin

Today I have a graveyard of such ideas, blogs, and social media accounts.

00:02:58 Saurin

And that's why the following verse cuts through the clutter in my head.

00:03:10 Sheetal

vyavasāyātmikā buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana |
bahu-śākhā hy anantāś ca buddhayo'vyavasāyinām ||2.41||

00:03:25 Sheetal

Chapter 2, Verse 41

00:03:30 Sheetal

O Kurunandana (Arjuna), the intellect of the determined is focused.

Scattered and infinite are the thoughts of those without determination.

00:03:45 Saurin

The Shlok tells me that I should be single minded about my larger purposes.

00:03:50 Saurin

If I become preoccupied with mundane tasks and worries about everyday challenges, my thoughts will remain scattered.

00:03:57 Saurin

And I will accomplish little of what I set out to achieve and become.

00:04:02 Saurin

So then how do I overcome the challenges of scattered thoughts, withstand interruptions and distractions, and immerse myself in tasks that require sustained attention and thoughtfulness?

00:04:14 Saurin

Because that is the only way to produce valuable, inspirational, and meaningful work.

00:04:21 Saurin

Here are some action steps I plan to take.

00:04:24 Saurin

Set clear, realistic goals: I tend to set goals that are vague and yet overly ambitious. Draft a book every 6 months is one such example.

00:04:36 Saurin

Simplify task: I continue to streamline tasks and with that my life by eliminating automating or delegating the ones that do not add sufficient value to me and others.

00:04:50 Saurin

Establish a routine: I have a tentative daily schedule with priorities and deadlines, but it is a massive struggle to follow through with it.

00:05:01 Saurin

Take care of myself: I have been meaning to but have not yet added self-care in my routine, which would include self-reflection, meditation, exercise, reading, learning, journaling, and relaxation.

00:05:15 Saurin

Limit multitasking: This is like the cigarette warning. I know it is bad for me, but I'm addicted.

00:05:23 Saurin

Create a distraction free environment: Purposeful work is not possible without an environment that minimizes interruptions and distractions. This would mean working on pen and paper, which is easy and silencing my phone. Not so easy.

00:05:35 Saurin

Learn from setbacks: I've already begun to benefit from purposefully using failures as opportunities to learn and grow.

00:05:49 Saurin

By staying focused and engaging in meaningful tasks daily, even amid daily worries and the unpredictability of everyday life, I'm committing to my major life goals. Regardless of distractions and interruptions.

00:06:03 Saurin

Thank you for your time and attention. The greatest gift you can give me. I am Saurin Desai. And each week, I delve into the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Together, let's create a community of creative souls on this journey of self-discovery and growth. If you have any thoughts, questions, or feedback, reach me at 

00:06:30 Saurin

And from this moment onward, I am on a quest to lead a meaningful and fulfilling existence despite the unpredictability that life brings.

00:06:46 Sundar

You were listening to Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul.

Produced by The Voice Bank. Conceptualized & written by Saurin Desai. Voiced by Sheetal Sawhney & Saurin Desai. Directed by Sundar Sethuraman. Executive producer: Rashmi Sundaram. Special advisor: Kushagra Singh. Music by Sushant Sonawale & Dhirendra. Recorded by Tejas Jadhav and Agnel George. Sound Designing & mixing by Sushant Sonawale. Recorded at Crescendo Studios, Mumbai. Text copyright Saurin Desai. Sound recording copyright: The Voice Bank.