Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul

Ep 8 - Balancing Solitude & Collaboration

The Voice Bank Season 1 Episode 8

In Episode 8, Saurin is struggling with the tension between his desire to work independently and the necessity of teamwork. His primary internal conflict on most days revolves around avoiding interactions with others while still completing his work. However, he accepts the significant improvement in his work when he collaborates with others. He finds a solution in Chapter 5, Verse 10 of the Bhagavad Gita.

#bhagavadgita #creativity #creative #collaboration #teamwork #internal conflict

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Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul

  • Produced by The Voice Bank
  • Concept & Writing: Saurin Desai
  • Executive Producer: Rashmi Sundaram
  • Director: Sundar Sethuraman
  • Voice Artists: Sheetal Sawhney & Saurin Desai
  • Special Advisor: Kushagra Singh (Writer, Spiritual Speaker & Yoga Teacher)
  • Sound Designer: Sushant Sonawale
  • Music Composition: Sushant Sonawale & Ameen
  • Recordist: Agnel & Sushant Sonawale
  • Recorded at Crescendo Studio, Mumbai

00:00:00 Sundar

The Voice Bank presents Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul. Conceived and written by Saurin Desai, narrated by Sheetal Sawhney and Saurin Desai. 

This interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita is not scholarly or literal, but personal and creative, with no intent to hurt the sentiments of any individual, community, or religion?

00:00:26 Sheetal

It is said that the Bhagavad Gita has answers for all and all the answers. Join writer and seeker Saurin Desai, as each week he grapples with thoughts and challenges related to life, work, and creativity, then explores the timeless wisdom of the Gita to discover how to harness creativity with grace, understanding, empathy and timelessness.

00:00:59 Sheetal

Welcome to Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul. This is episode 8, ‘balancing solitude and collaboration’ and Saurin is figuring out how to navigate the tension between wanting to work by himself and needing to collaborate with others.

00:01:23 Saurin

Were you to ask me to share a work of mine that I most identify with, it would be my poem, solitude: “I do love my own company, would be alone in a crowd, but I do not seek solitude, solitude seeks me.”

00:01:39 Saurin

The greatest internal conflict I face most days is avoiding talking to others and still getting my work done. Why meet when we can do a call? Why call when we can message who I even message?

00:01:53 Saurin

But I'm being unfair and even hypocritical if I do not mention how much better my work gets when I collaborate.

00:02:01 Saurin

We come up with ideas, perspectives, possibilities, and opportunities that I would not have considered on my own.

00:02:08 Saurin

So how to navigate the tension between wanting to work by myself and collaborating with others?

00:02:15 Saurin

I found the answer to that in the following verse.

00:02:27 Sheetal

Brahmaṇyādhāya karmāṇi saṅgaṁ tyaktvā karoti yaḥ | 
Lipyate na sa pāpena padmapatramivāmbhasā ||

00:02:42 Sheetal

Chapter 5, verse 10.

00:02:44 Sheetal

The yogi who acts without attachment, offering their duties to the divine, is unaffected by sensory experience or sin, just as a lotus leaf remains unaffected by water.

00:03:04 Saurin

Thus, if I approach my work with detachment and offer my efforts towards a higher purpose, I can remain unaffected by my whims, fears, and insecurities, as well as the unpredictability of the external world.

00:03:20 Saurin

Moreover, I will not be arrogant about my work or envious of my collaborators work.

00:03:27 Saurin

Nor will I hunger for recognition or become upset when things do not go as planned.

00:03:33 Saurin

Of course, it is near impossible currently for me to always be in the moment and to be aware and unattached while interacting with others, but I'm trying to find a balance between working independently and working with others.

00:03:47 Saurin

Some of my action steps to achieve this.

00:03:51 Saurin

Setting and following schedules: I wish I could be more like Douglas Adams, who loved deadlines. He loved the sounds they made as they flew by, but jokes apart, following timetables and keeping deadlines is like a game for me, a game of snakes and snakes.

00:04:09 Saurin

Once I mastered that, phase 2 of that will be marking out specific times for my solo and collaborative work. I will need to identify tasks that are best done solo and ones that need teamwork.

00:04:24 Saurin

Optimizing technology: I have shiny object syndrome and I'm constantly trying out digital tools, but when it comes to scheduling I prefer pen and paper. However, if I need to work better with myself and others, I will need to work with the digital project management software.

00:04:43 Saurin

Saying no: This was one of my biggest stumbling blocks for a long time. I am relieved to say it is no longer as much so.

00:04:52 Saurin

The next one is an interesting idea recommended by a friend that for me was a ‘duh why did I not think of that.’ She said, “look for individuals who enjoy working independently like you do, but also understand the power of collaborate, then figure out a project to work on.” 

00:05:12 Saurin

Practicing communication: I'm learning to be crisp and clear, especially with my boundaries.

00:05:20 Saurin

And last but not the least: Keep experimenting.

As a wise person once said, creativity is a solitary act, but it does not have to be a lonely one. Thank you for your time and attention. The greatest gift you can give me.

00:05:37 Saurin

I am Saurin Desai and each week; I delve into the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita together. Let's create a community of Creative Souls on this journey of self-discovery and growth. If you have any thoughts, questions, or feedback, reach me at

00:05:58 Saurin

And from this moment onward I am on a quest to release the tension between wanting to work by myself and collaborating with others.

00:06:13 Sundar

You were listening to Bhagavad Gita for the Creative Soul.

Produced by The Voice Bank. Conceptualized & written by Saurin Desai. Voiced by Sheetal Sawhney & Saurin Desai. Directed by Sundar Sethuraman. Executive producer: Rashmi Sundaram. Special advisor: Kushagra Singh. Music by Sushant Sonawale & Dhirendra. Recorded by Tejas Jadhav and Agnel George. Sound Designing & mixing by Sushant Sonawale. Recorded at Crescendo Studios, Mumbai. Text copyright Saurin Desai. Sound recording copyright: The Voice Bank.